

Info-Psychology - Dr. Leary explores the real issues of our time--Space Migration, Intelligence Increase and Life Extension--in this "Manual on the Use of the Human Nervous System according to the Instructions of the Manufacturers." "The Info-Worlds our species will discover, create, explore and inhabit in the immediate future will not be reached from launch pads alone, but also through our personal computer screens." Click title to order.


Lucifer's Rebellion - The articles contained in this book – some selected by Dr. Hyatt himself–are written by authors who carry the torch of the Doctor s great work, including Chic and Tabatha Cicero, Peter Conte, Jack S. Willis, Daniel Pineda, Nicole Laliberte, and Dr. Hyatt s son. Some of the articles are written by his friends and colleagues: Israel Regardie, Lon Milo DuQuette, David Cherubim, James Wasserman, S. Jason Black, Robert Brazil, Wayne Saalman, Robert Anton Wilson, and Timothy Leary. Click title to order.


Neuropolitique - Timothy Leary, Ph.D., has been a world-renowned psychologist, a defrocked professor, a relentless champion of brain change, a reputed drug guru, a stand-up philosopher, and a prisoner of the Nixon administration. He has been called "the most dangerous man on the planet." While in prison, at times in solitary confinement, he wrote the first version of this book. ("I must confess at that time I was alienated, a bit draft and given to occasional fits of irritation. So color the first version of this book in indigo--as in Jail House Blues.") Now revised and updated, Neuropolitique presents some of Dr. Leary's best ideas, his reflections on the past and his hope for the future. Click title to order.


Rebels and Devils - Rebels & Devils brings together some of the most talented, controversial and rebellious people of all time. Some (William S. Burroughs, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie, Christopher S. Hyatt, Austin Osman Spare, Jack Parsons, and Osho Rajneesh) are world famous. Some others (Genesis P-Orridge, Lon Milo DuQuette, S. Jason Black, James Wasserman, Phil Hine, and Richard Kaczynski, Ph.D.) are well-accomplished in their own fields, but are not known in the wider world. Every contributor, every article, in every aspect of their lives has had but one focus--to bring freedom to their world. In all of human history the essence of the independent mind has been the need to think and act according to standards from within, not without. To follow one's own path, not that of the crowd. Inevitably it follows that anyone with an independent mind must become "one who resists or opposes an authority or established convention"--a rebel. Usually rebellion is done so quietly that no one notices. But when others (especially others with power) recognize the disobedience, the rebel becomes the rebel. And if enough people come to agree with (and follow) the rebel, we have a devil. Until, of course, still more people agree. And then, finally, we have greatness. Until the new unorthodoxy becomes the established norm, and the cycle of rebellion starts up all over again. Click title to order.


The Game of Life - Written in 1970s with all the influence of the wild and counterculture rebelliousness of the 60s, The Game of Life reflects the depth of mind of one of the unique human beings of the 20th century. From famed psychologist and Harvard professor to LSD Guru, to stage and film star, computer junky, and more. Tim leaves no stone, or for that matter, person unturned. As an unrepentant advocate of personal freedom and development, he was on a mission to wake humanity up, to encourage us to use our brains and open our minds up to different ways of thinking. One of his favorite mottoes was Think for yourself and question authority. The Game of Life is an organic computer, (although when Leary wrote it he wasn t yet into hyper-interactive computer intelligence.) In this book he updated the meaning of Medieval Tarot Cards and Chinese I Ching Triagrams and used the symbology to express his fascinating theories within a multi-dimensional structure. With a unique intelligent wit, he expresses his perceptions, wisdom and ideas that evolution is proceeding into pre-programmed post-human stages which will carry us off the planet, but also that some human beings are (have always been) literally ahead of their times in having activated what Dr. Leary calls circuits of their nervous systems years or even centuries ahead of general human development. The Game of Life is not simply a book: it is an experience. Click title to order.


Neuropolitics - The first version of Neuropolitics was written between 1973 - 1976 when Dr. Leary was in prison. Leary explores the role of the dissedent/philosopher and offers a multitude of brilliant observatio especially, our future. One of his best. Updated and rewritten for the 90's.


What Does Woman Want? - This is Dr. Leary’s only novel designed to provide a psychedelic television experience to the reader. There are four ongoing soap-opera mini-dramas. These are interwoven with commercials, special parody announcements, and mini-documentaries. The viewer is encouraged to flip from channel to channel (chapter to chapter). The central plot is the Quixotic saga of an evolutionary agent, Dylan, a confused but sincere minstrel. He has been assigned to a primitive planet in the latter years of the Roaring 20th Century to perform those small but precise jiggles needed to cause chaos in the old, outmoded gene-pools, thus allowing creative individuals to start exploring and settling the next habitats. Dylan’s mission is none other than to rediscover what woman really wants. Click title to order.